Food & Beverage
Liquid nitrogen dosing equipment for food & beverages
Vacuum insulated piping & phase separator are indispensable to A&T customers
Pharmaceutical & Biotech
Jacketed pipes and hoses are essential components for liquid nitrogen delivery systems
Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
Cryogenics equipment for low vapor pressure liquid nitrogen system used in critical wafer growing process.
What We Do

Food & Beverage

Cryogas innovative liquid nitrogen dosing equipment for food & beverages, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. For more infomartion about our liquid nitrogen dosing systems.

  • -Doser dispenses a controlled, measured amount of liquid nitrogen into product packaging just before the final sealing or capping process.
  • -The liquid nitrogen vaporizes and expand 700 times into gaseous phase in the product head space, thus creates a stronger container.
  • -This process is also effective in flushing out the oxygen, extending product shelve life.

Products for Food and Beverage applications:


Cryogas vacuum insulated piping & phase separator are indispensable to A&T customers to save time and money for their product development and final product testing.
  • Test Handlers for testing and inspection of packaged semiconductor device including automotive, mobile, power, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microcontrollers HALT/HASS thermal cycling test that require extremely high turn down ratio of LN2 supply to achieve desired temperature downslope gradient.
Our vacuum jacketed pipe and valves are sweat-free and do not frost even after years of service. Our products have been part of many successful LN2 delivery system supplying to tools such as those from QUALMARK, Thermotron, RASCO, DELTA, TESEC, and COHU.

Products for Semiconductor applications:

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)

Cryogas cryogenics equipment for low vapor pressure liquid nitrogen system used in critical wafer growing process such as MBE. This system keeps your tools cool at -196 deg C at all time making it possible to build defect-free product layer-by-layer, increasing overall process yield.

Cryogas product has been used extensively with major world-class MBE equipment from RIBER, VEECO and DCA

Products for MBE applications:

Pharmaceutical & Biotech

Cryogas vacuum jacketed pipes and hoses are essential components for liquid nitrogen delivery systems used in cryo-preservation applications, specifically in biomedical device facilities, blood banks, and hospital fertility storage. These specialized pipes and hoses play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and viability of sensitive biological samples. They ensure the efficient transportation of liquid nitrogen while preserving the low temperature required for preserving biological materials.

Products for Pharmaceutical and BioMedical applications: